Maintenance Notice

Due to necessary scheduled maintenance, the JMIR Publications website will be unavailable from Wednesday, July 01, 2020 at 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.

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Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The scope of JMIR Dermatology (JMIR Derm, ISSN 2562-0959) embraces all topics related to diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. The journal places a special emphasis on exchanging clinical information, providing education, facilitating diagnosis and care, and promoting global dermatological health. JMIR Dermatology is the official journal of the International Society of Digital Health in Dermatology (ISDHD), formerly the International Society of Teledermatology (ISTD). 

JMIR Dermatology is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), MEDLINE, Sherpa Romeo, ScopusDOAJ, and CABI. With a CiteScore of 1.2, JMIR Dermatology is a Q3 journal in the field of Dermatology, according to Scopus data.

Section Policies


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Atopic Eczema

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Skin Cancer and Melanoma Prevention

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Digital Photography and Imaging in Dermatology

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Psychosocial Support for Skin Patients

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Mobile Apps for Dermatology and Prevention

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Epidemiology in Dermatology

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Tattoos and Tattoo Removal

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Recruitment for Dermatology Trials/Studies

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Corrigenda and Addenda

This section lists all substantive corrections, additions or changes made to articles and reviews subsequent to their first publication in the journal. Corrigenda are usually submitted by the corresponding author of the original article, or the section editor. Published papers are considered “final”, thus JMIR makes corrections to published papers only in exceptional circumstances.Note that while we do not charge to correct errata that are the responsibility of the publisher, we charge a $190 fee for discretionary corrigenda and addenda (please submit a correction under that section, if it is the authors’ responsibility/decision to correct or add information to a already published article).

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Dermatology Health Services Research

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Publication Behavior, Journalogy, Scientometrics and Research Issues in Dermatology

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Patient Education for Skin Conditions

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Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

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Research Tools in Dermatology

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World Wide Web and Social Media in Dermatology

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Innovations in Dermatological Electronic Health Records and Documentation

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Machine Learning from Digital Images in Dermatology

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Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Care in Dermatology

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Consumer Preferences in Dermatology

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Pressure Ulcers and Decubitus Wounds

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Training of Health Professionals in Dermatology

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Reviews in Dermatology

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Ethical and Legal Issues in Dermatology

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Cochrane Corner

A series of commentaries upon the systematic reviews published by Cochrane Skin and Cochrane Wounds

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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Theme Issue (2021): 9th World Congress of Teledermatology, Imaging, and Artificial Intelligence for Skin Diseases

For papers related to those presented at the 9th World Congress of Teledermatology, Imaging, and Artificial Intelligence for Skin Diseases (9th-10th December 2021).

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Image Recognition and AI in Dermatology

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Research Letter

Research letters are short communications that can comment on any topic within Dermatology and can comment directly on publications outside of JMIR Dermatology (in contrast to the Letter to the Editor article type).

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Letters to the Editor

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Case Report

JMIR Dermatology publishes clinical case reports. Please see JMIR Publications article type information on submitting case reports. 

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Theme Issue (2022): Celebrating Cochrane Skin: 25 Years of Evidence-Based Dermatology

Special Issue dedicated to celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Cochrane Skin

Call for papers

Guest Editors

Robert Dellavalle, MSPH, MD, PhD

Editor in Chief, JMIR Dermatology

Robert Boyle, MD/PhD

Clinical Reader in Paediatric Allergy, Imperial College; Associate Professor of Evidence-based Dermatology, University of Nottingham

Joint Coordinating Editor, Cochrane Skin; Editor in Chief, Clinical and Experimental Allergy

  • Robert Boyle
  • Robert Dellavalle, University of Colorado
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Discretionary Corrigenda

For discretionary corrigenda that result from author oversight (e.g., corrections in the affiliation), we charge a $190 processing fee to make changes in the original paper and publish an erratum. Please submit a correction statement (text similar to at under the section "Discretionary Corrigenda".

  • Robert Dellavalle, University of Colorado
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Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

In Memoriam

Posthumous tributes to highly accomplished, internationally recognized individuals in the field of dermatology, written by Editorial Board members of JMIR Dermatology.

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Theme Issue (2023): World Skin Health Day (Guinea)

Special Issue dedicated to esteemed participants and presenters of World Skin Health Day (Guinea) 2023

Call for papers

Guest Editor

Robert Dellavalle, MSPH, MD, PhD

Editor in Chief, JMIR Dermatology

  • Robert Dellavalle, University of Colorado
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Theme Issue (2023): International Society of Teledermatology World Congress

Special Issue for esteemed members and participants of the International Society of Teledermatology (ISTD) World Congress

Call for papers

Guest Editor

Amanda Oakley, CNZM, MBChB, PGHealDipInf, FRACP, FNZDSI, IFAAD

Adjunct Associate Professor, Waikato Clinical Campus, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Auckland

Head of Department, Dermatology, Te Whatu Ora Health

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Theme Issue (2023): AI and ChatGPT in Dermatology

Special Issue on artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT applications in dermatology.

Guest Editors

James A Solomon, MD, PhD, FAAD

Professor, Dermatology University Central Florida College of Medicine

Director, Ameriderm Research

Clinical Professor Dermatology, Florida State University College of Medicine

Clinical Assistant Professor, Carle-Illinois College of Medicine 

Ian Brooks, PhD

Director, Center for Health Informatics

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center on Information Systems for Health

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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Short Paper

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Hair and Hair Conditions

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Climate Change Impacts and Implications to Dermatology

Climate change will impact dermatological conditions for infants, youth, adults, and older adults alike. From warming or dry weather and its impact on skin types, to the use of e-health platforms and technology during environmental health disasters to assist with monitoring and mitigating effects to human health and well-being, the impact of climate change is seen. Climate change impact to dermatology has a wide range, breadth, and depth of implications to research and practice.

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These are usually invited commentaries published alongside other articles. They may or may not be peer-reviewed. The abstract can be a summary sentence or up to 300 words (unstructured, narrative format). The main text should be no longer than 1000 words. The main headings within the paper can be IMRD or free. Additionally, up to 10 references and a maximum of 1 figure or table can be included. 

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Theme Issue (2024): Diversity in Dermatology

Special Issue on Diversity in Dermatology.

Theme Issue Editor

Robert Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH

Editor-in-Chief, JMIR Dermatology 

Professor of Dermatology and Public Health

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Colorado School of Public Health

Chief, Dermatology Service

US Department of Veterans Affairs

Eastern Colorado Health Care System


Guest Editor

Ramiro Rodriguez, MD


Department of Dermatology, Anschutz Medical Campus, CO, USA 


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Nails and Musculoskeletal

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Peer Review Process

When we receive a manuscript, the Managing Editor and/or Assistant Editor and/or the Section Editor will first decide whether the manuscript meets the formal criteria specified in the Instructions for Authors and whether it fits within the scope of the journal. When in doubt, the editor will consult other members of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts are then assigned to a section editor, who sends it to 2-4 external experts for peer review. Authors are required to suggest at least 2 peer-reviewers (who do not have an conflict of interest) during the submission process.

Peer reviewing is a single-blind process as the reviewers are aware of the names of the authors. Review feedback is anonymous when shared with the authors during the review process. Reviewers for JMIR journals will not stay anonymous as their names appear at the end of the published article. Authors and reviewers should not contact each other directly to discuss manuscripts or reviews.

Speed of Peer-Review

The Internet is a fast-moving field and we acknowledge the need of our authors to communicate their findings rapidly. We therefore aim to be extremely fast (but still thorough and rigorous) in our peer-review process. For example, the paper "Factors Associated with Intended Use of a Web Site Among Family Practice Patients" (J Med Internet Res 2001;3(2):e17) was reviewed, edited, type-set and published within only 16 days. Including the two weeks time authors needed to revise their article, from first submission to final publication less than 1 month passed. (note that current turnaround times needed to review and edit papers vary, and primarily depend on the quality of the paper upon first submission!). Normally we can not give any guarantees on the speed of peer-review or publication - except if a paper has been submitted under the fast-track scheme, where we guarantee an editorial decision within 15 working days (3 weeks) and publication of the article within 4 weeks after acceptance. Starting in 2012, we aim for an average decision time of 2 months after submission for papers sent out for peer-review. There will however always be outliers (papers which are more difficult to evaluate)

Current statistics on turnaround time show that on average it takes 50 days to make an initial decision (29 days for fast-tracked papers) (see 1.4 on the stats page).

Criteria for Selection of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should meet the following criteria: the study conducted is ethical (see below); the material is original; the writing is clear; the study methods are appropriate; the data are valid; the conclusions are reasonable and supported by the data; the information is important; and the topic is interesting for our readership. It is recognized that many submissions will describe websites and other Internet-based services. The Editorial Board strongly recommends that authors of such submissions make efforts to evaluate and if possible quantify the impact of these services. Submissions containing evaluations are more likely to be accepted than those containing descriptions of services alone, unless the service includes significant innovation. More descriptive papers - ideally with an evaluation plan - can be submitted to JMIR Res Protoc. Formative research, feasibility and pilot studies should be submitted to JMIR Formative Res (see also Publication Strategy article in our Knowledge Base).

Ethical Issues

Internet-based research raises novel questions of ethics and human dignity (see for example KB article on Ethics in Social Media Research). If human subjects are involved, informed consent, protection of privacy and other human rights are further criteria against which the manuscript will be judged. Papers describing investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the study was approved by the institutional review board, in accordance with all applicable regulations, and that informed consent was obtained after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained. JMIR is also encouraging articles devoted to the ethics of Internet-based research. In addition, as mentioned in the conflict of interest article, we will ask authors to disclose any competing interests in relation to their work.

For more information on JMIR Publications' ethics policies, please visit our Knowledge Base (KB), here.

Publication Frequency

This journal publishes articles continuously, i.e. articles are published online as soon as they are available (peer-reviewed and copy-edited).

Open Access Policy

All journals published by JMIR Publications provide immediate open access to their content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and accelerates research. Copyright is retained by the authors, and articles can be freely used and distributed by others. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published by JMIR Publications, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information (authors, title, journal, volume/issue, and article ID), a link to the original publication (URL), and this copyright and license information (“Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution cc-by 4.0”) must be included.

Please do not contact the publisher for “reprint permission” requests because, by default, this permission has already been given by authors (under the condition of attribution of the original source), and the publisher does NOT own the copyright for the material published. The authors retain the copyright, unless stated otherwise.


JMIR Derm uses LOCKSS and will also be archived in Pubmed Central (application pending). The LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system ensures a secure and permanent archive for the journal. LOCKSS is open source software developed at Stanford University Library that enables libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly polling registered journal websites for newly published content and archiving it. Each archive is continually validated against other library caches, and if content is found to be corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal is used to restore it.

Editorial Board


Robert Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH

Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology, University of Minnesota Medical School; Chief of Dermatology - Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center, and US Department of Veterans Affairs National Dermatology Program Director
View Gunther Eysenbach's LinkedIn profileView Robert Dellavalle's profile

Dr. Dellavalle is the Dermatology Service Chief for the US Department of Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System. He serves as the Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School. He received undergraduate and master's degrees in philosophy at UCLA before matriculating from the MD/PhD Medical Scientist Training Program at the University of Chicago. He subsequently completed a dermatology residency, fellowship in dermatology research, and Master of Science in Public Health at the University of Colorado. Dr. Dellavalle is a funded skin cancer prevention investigator and has published over 300 PubMed indexed dermatology research articles. He serves as editor-in-chief of JMIR Dermatology and joint Co-ordinating Editor of Cochrane Skin.

Submissions are accepted via our web-based submission system

Editorial Board Members

Associate Editors

Raed Alhusayen, MBBS, MSc, FRCPC

Assistant Professor, Division of Dermatology, University of Toronto; Associate Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Canada

Dr. Alhusayen is a Clinician Investigator and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and Associate Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute. He is a past president of the Canadian Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation. He completed his dermatology residency and a fellowship in laser and procedural dermatology from the University of Ottawa. He also completed a master's in clinical epidemiology and a clinical fellowship in advanced medical dermatology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Alhusayen's clinical epidemiological research focuses on studying outcomes, comorbidities, and risk factors of inflammatory/autoimmune skin diseases. 

Ian S. Brooks, PhD

Research Scientist and Director, Center for Health Informatics, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

Dr Brooks is the Director of the Center for Health Informatics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the WHO Collaborating Center for Information Systems for Health. He earned an MS in Applied and Engineering Physics from Cornell University and a PhD in Biochemistry from Bryn Mawr College. Previously the director of health sciences at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, his research focuses on the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence to data from structured and unstructured sources to understand the health of communities. Since 2014 he has been working to understand the burden of skin disease primarily through the analysis of patient discussions on social media.

Ching-Chi Chi, MD, MMS, DPhil

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan

Professor Ching-Chi Chi is Professor of Dermatology and General Convenor for Evidence-Based Medicine of Chang Gung Memorial Hospitals. He is also a Distinguished Professor at Chang Gung University. Prof. Chi is the Editor-in-Chief of Dermatologica Sinica, Joint Co-ordinating Editor of Cochrane Skin, Associate Editor of British Journal of Dermatology, Editor of JMIR Dermatology, and Immediate Past President and Honorary Director of Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association. He obtained his medical degree from Taipei Medical University and completed dermatology specialist training at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei. Prof. Chi went on to obtain a Master of Medical Science from the Chung Shan Medical University. Prof. Chi obtained a D.Phil. in Clinical Medicine from University of Oxford with a doctorate thesis entitled ‘Evidence-based assessment of the safety of topical corticosteroids in pregnancy’. He is passionate about evidence-based medicine and epidemiology and has authored over 190 articles, including 14 Cochrane reviews and 4 pan-European Dermatology Guidelines. Having published and is cited widely, Prof. Chi has received plenty of research awards including the 2021 Outstanding Research Award from the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan and is selected by Stanford University and Elsevier BV as the 2020 and 2021 World’s Top 2% of Scientists.

William Guo, MD, BA

Resident Physician, Stony Brook University Department of Dermatology, New York, USA

Dr. Guo is a resident physician in Dermatology at Stony Brook University Department of Dermatology in Long Island, New York. He completed his undergraduate degree at Columbia University in New York, where he majored in Biology. He then matriculated to Stony Brook School of Medicine where he received his MD as part of their accelerated 3-year-MD program with conditional linkage to Stony Brook's Dermatology residency. While in medical school and residency, Dr. Guo helped to create a Dermatology medical student research team, where he helped guide other medical students in various research projects with the department of Dermatology. He assists in topic finding and teaches research methodology and manuscript writing. In this role, he has guided more than 20 student-faculty research teams to both publication and conference presentation. Dr. Guo's interest lie in skin surgery, pigmented lesions, and inflammatory skin conditions and their association with other comorbid medical conditions.

Alexandria Kristensen Cabrera BS, MD-PhD (C)

Medical Scientist in training, University of Minnesota, USA

Alexandria Kristensen-Cabrera is a MD-PhD Candidate at the University of Minnesota focused on improving health equity in dermatology, with particular interests in pediatric dermatology, street medicine, and public health advocacy. Following her work as a Public Health Advocacy Fellow, Minnesota Medical Association Public Health Board Member, and co-creator of the UMN Street Medicine Initiative, Alexandria was awarded the President Student Leadership and Service Award and Leadership in Diversity Fellowship from the University of Minnesota.

Jules Lipoff, MD

Clinical Associate Professor (Adjunct), Division of Dermatology, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, USA

Dr. Lipoff is a board-certified dermatologist, Clinical Associate Professor (Adjunct) at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, and formerly Assistant Professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and a senior fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. His research focuses on access to care, telemedicine, social media, and health equity.At the American Academy of Dermatology, he is the outgoing chair of the teledermatology Taskforce and a current member of the ad hoc COVID-19 task force and the editorial board of the Dialogues in Dermatology podcast series.Dr. Lipoff directed a Penn dermatology clinic for HIV/AIDS, transgender, and non-binary patients (PRIDE clinic - PRoviding Integrated Dermatology for Everyone), and also volunteers for the Philadelphia municipal STD Clinic, Puentes de Salud, Physicians for Human Rights, and serves as a Senior Specialist Consultant for Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).

John Meisenheimer VII, MD 

Research Intern, University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology, USA

John Meisenheimer is currently working with the University of Minnesota Department of Dermatology in a research position. He completed his PGY1 intern year with the University of South Florida Department of Internal Medicine in 2024 and received his MD from the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine in 2023. While earning his degree he was inducted into both Alpha Omega Alpha and Robert A. Good honor societies. John received his bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Florida in 2018, being a part of a small group of less than 50 students selected to participate in a pilot run for the new major.  His research interests include oncogenesis, epidemiology of non-melanoma skin cancer and atopic dermatitis. He has a particular interest in evidence based reviews, graphical visualization of scientific concepts, and statistics. Additionally, he has a interest in medical device design and has a utility patent pending with the USPTO for an instrument designed for use in dermatologic surgery.

S. Yasamin Parvar MD, MPH

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Parvar earned her MD from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran, where she developed a strong passion for dermatopathology research and clinical trials, with a focus on conditions such as lupus, dermatitis, and vitiligo. She later pursued a Master of Public Health, specializing in epidemiology, which fueled her interest in studying disease patterns, risk factors, and outcomes. She has extensive experience in research leadership, having served as the Head of the Student Research Committee and Director of Research Summer Schools during medical school. Additionally, Dr. Parvar is an editorial board member for PLOS ONE and Women's Health and has peer-reviewed for over 40 journals.

Eva R. Parker, MD, FAAD

Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA

Dr. Eva Rawlings Parker is an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. She received her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Denver. Dr. Parker earned her medical doctorate at the University of Colorado and completed her residency in dermatology at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL. Dr. Parker practices general and complex medical dermatology as well as cosmetic and procedural dermatology. She also provides volunteer dermatologic care to immigrant, refugee, and underserved populations in Nashville, TN, at Siloam Health and the Shade Tree Clinic. Additionally, she provides volunteer telehealth consultation services in Kenya through The Addis Clinic and has taught internationally in resource-limited settings. Dr. Parker’s clinical and academic interests include complex medical dermatology, health-related effects of climate change, global health, HIV dermatoses, and tropical skin disease. She sits on the executive board for the American Academy of Dermatology’s Expert Resource Group on Climate and Environmental Affairs and is a member of the International Society of Dermatology’s Committee on Climate Change. Dr. Parker is an editorial board member for the Journal of Climate Change and Health. She previously served as the Scientific Committee Chair for the Chicago Dermatological Society. Currently, she is President of the Nashville Dermatologic Society and Vice President of the Williamson County Medical Society. Prior to returning to her hometown of Nashville, Dr. Parker was an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Loyola University Medical Center, serving as Associate Director of the Dermatology Residency Training Program and Director of the Inpatient Dermatology Consultation Service.

James A. Solomon, MD, PhD, FAAD

Professor, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida; Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medicine; Assistant Clinical Professor Carle-Illinois College of Medicine, USA

Dr. Solomon is the Chief of Dermatology at the North Las Vegas Veterans Administration Medical Center.  He maintains several academic appointments as Professor of Dermatology, University of Central Florida College of Medicine; Florida State University, College of Medicine; and University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medicine. He also is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Carle-Illinois College of Medicine. He earned his Bachelor of Arts from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland; a Ph.D. in Immunology from SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York; and an M.D. from SUNY Buffalo School of Medicine, Buffalo, New York. He completed cancer research fellowships at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, NY, and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. He completed residency training in Pathology at the Mallory Institute of Pathology, Boston City Hospital: Pediatrics at Tufts New England Medical Center, and Dermatology at a combined Boston University/Tufts University program. Dr. Solomon has been participating as a principal investigator in multiple pharmaceutical company-initiated clinical trials. Dr. Solomon has several ongoing independent research projects, including:  1.) a highly detailed long term diary detailing the relationship between disease activity and lifestyle, diet,  2.) role of dietary factors in modulating disease activity and response to treatment, and 3.) exposing the unrecognized (off-label) sources of common cutaneous allergens and carcinogens. He has published /presented over 150 articles/abstracts/posters and serves as an assistant editor for several journals pertaining to dermatology.

Sweta Subhadarshani, MBBS, MD, FAAD, MRCP(SCE)

Instructor, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine

Dr. Sweta Subhadarshani is a faculty in the Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is part of the inpatient dermatology team, specializing in complex medical dermatology and autoimmune disorders. Board-certified in dermatology in both the United States and India, Dr.Subhadarshani has an extensive background in academic dermatology, clinical research, and medical education. She has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and serves as an associate editor and reviewer for multiple high-impact dermatology journals. Her research focuses on autoimmune connective tissue diseases, and novel dermatosurgical innovations. Dr. Subhadarshani has received multiple prestigious awards, including the Young Dermatologist Award and the Maria Duran Award, recognizing her contributions to dermatologic research and global dermatology. Her work in inpatient dermatology and rare dermatologic disorders continues to advance the field, bridging clinical care and innovative research.


David B. Buller, PhD

Senior Scientist and Director of Research, Klein Buendel, USA

David Buller, PhD is a Senior Scientist and Director of Research at Klein Buendel, Inc., a health communication research company in Golden, Colorado. Formerly, he was a Professor of Communication at the University of Arizona (1986-1997), a Senior Scientist at AMC Cancer Research Center (1997-2002); and the Harold Simmons Chair for Health Communication at the Cooper Institute (2002-2005). For over 30 years, Dr. Buller has tested health communication strategies for skin cancer prevention in schools, worksites, and community settings, focusing on individual sun protection practices and school and workplace sun safety policy. He has also examined public policy on indoor tanning restrictions, scale-up of sun safety education and policy interventions, impact of built-shade for sun protection, and sun safety interventions delivered over the latest communication technology such as smartphones and social media. Dr. Buller has contributed to the literature on the measurement of sun protection behavior and has been an expert consultant to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on skin cancer prevention in schools and public spaces. Dr. Buller’s research has been funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Environmental Protection Agency, and state governments. He has served on a number of extramural grant review teams for NIH and international health organizations. Dr. Buller is a fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. He has published over 225 books, chapters, and articles on his research.

Kurt A. Ashack, MD, MHS

Assistant Professor, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, USA

Dr. Ashack is a private practice dermatologist at the Dermatology Associates of West Michigan in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. He completed his undergraduate studies at Hope College and a Master of Biomedical Science at Grand Valley State University. Dr. Ashack received his medical degree from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and subsequently completed his dermatology training at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research interests include connective tissue diseases, epidemiology, dermatology training across the globe, factors associated with physician burnout, integrative dermatology, radiation therapy within dermatology, and melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Dr. Ashack believes strongly in mentorship and is currently the advisor for the dermatology interest group at Michigan State University CHM. Additionally, he published more than 40 papers in scientific journals prior to finishing his dermatology training. 

Carolyn Heckman, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine, Co-Leader of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, USA

Dr. Heckman is Co-Leader of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine. She earned her PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Iowa and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Virginia Commonwealth University in Health Psychology and Addictions. Dr. Heckman’s research focuses on indoor tanning and behavioral and digital interventions for skin cancer prevention and detection.

Christophe Hsu, MD

Global Dermatology; International Society of Digital Health in Dermatology; Switzerland

Dr. Christophe Hsu is a dermatologist trained in Geneva, Switzerland and Singapore. With over 15 years of experience in the use of digitally-mediated delivery of educational materials, he leads the Global Dermatology initiative,which focuses on AI-augmented science and collaborative sharing to transform dermatological education and patient care worldwide. He also initiated the "PASSION Project", which, funded by Fondation Botnar, leverages the power of Augmented Intelligence for improving the well-being of children and adolescents affected with skin neglected diseases. Dr Hsu is the Secretary General of the International Society of Digital Health in Dermatology (ISDHD) [Formerly called the International Society of Teledermatology] and serves as an Editor for the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) and an Editorial Board member of Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (JEADV). Dr. Hsu practices at the Global Dermatology Practice in Geneva and contributes as a visiting professor at Central South University, China. 

Susanne R. Gulliver, BA, MPH

Senior Epidemiologist, NewLab Clinical Research, Canada

Susanne Gulliver is an Epidemiologist from St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. She is currently the Senior Epidemiologist and Research and Operations Manager at NewLab Clinical Research Inc, a firm specializing in real-world data, clinical trials, genetics and the epidemiology of immune-mediated disease in Dermatology. Her research interests include Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Psoriasis, real-world data, and biologic persistence. She is involved as a scientific advisor to several patient support groups, including PsoriasisNL and HS Heroes. She is also a member of the IDEOM Hidradenitis Suppurativa workgroup.

Social Media Editors


Daniel Strock, MD Candidate, BSc

Daniel Strock is a 4th-year medical student at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He has published papers related to gamification, interventions for hand eczema, pembrolizumab-induced bullous pemphigoid, and gender parity within editorial boards. His research interests specifically include medical education, autoimmune skin disease, and the intersection of dermatology with the LGBT+ community. He has a passion for working with underrepresented communities and is particularly interested in social media's role in mitigating inequalities in the clinical and research setting.

Past Editorial Board Members

Madeline Adelman, MD, Dermatology Clinical Research Fellow, University of Colorado Department of Dermatology, USA

Cory Dunnick, MD, Professor, University of Colorado Department of Dermatology, USA

Jessica Clark Newman, MD, MPH, FAAD, Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology, Columbia University; Chief of Dermatology, James J Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Centre, USA

Jalal Maghfour, MD, Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health System, USA

Edit Olasz, MD, PhD, Academic Dermatologist, Co-founder of Harken Derm, Froedtert Hospital, MCW Health Network, USA

Mollie Oudenhoven, MD, University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill School of Medicine, American Board of Dermatology, American Board of Pediatrics, USA

Sherry Pagoto, PhD, Professor and Health Psychologist, Department of Allied Health Sciences, University of Connecticut; Director, UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media, USA

Torunn Sivesind, MD, Research Fellow, University of Colorado Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, USA

JiaDe (Jeff) Yu, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA

Join the Editorial Board

How can I apply to become an editorial board member?

We are currently looking to expand our Editorial Board. To apply to be an Editorial Board Member/Associate Editor, please apply using the form linked in this article. You should hold a PhD (or similar higher degree), have a publication track record (h-index>8), and ideally have some academic editing experience. 

Guest Editors

We are also seeking guest editors who may wish to compile a theme issue on a special subtopic. Click here for more information on how to suggest a theme issue.

This may be particularly interesting for workshop and conference organizers putting together a grant-funded event (eg, with invited experts) on an eHealth-related topic. JMIR can then be used as a dissemination vehicle.

The task of the Guest Editor(s) is generally to:

  • Solicit manuscripts from colleagues concerning the selected topic;
  • Select peer-reviewers for incoming manuscripts;
  • Make decisions (together with the editorial board) on article revisions and acceptance;
  • Write an editorial for the theme issue; and/or
  • Secure funding to sponsor the APFs for published papers (usually in the $10-20k range).

Alternately, the abstracts of the conference may be published in a supplement in iProc, with selected full papers published later in a theme issue or in regular JMIR issues.


Robert Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH, Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology, University of Minnesota Medical School

Indexing and Impact Factor

JMIR Dermatology (JMIR Derm, ISSN 2562-0959) is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), MEDLINE, Sherpa Romeo, ScopusDOAJ, and CABI.

JMIR Dermatology received a CiteScore of 1.2, placing it in the 31st percentile (#98 of 142) as a Q3 journal in the field of Dermatology, according to Scopus data.