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Cutaneous Bacteria in the Gut Microbiome as Biomarkers of Systemic Malodor and People Are Allergic to Me (PATM) Conditions: Insights From a Virtually Conducted Clinical Trial

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e10508

14689 24 1
Development of Smartphone Apps for Skin Cancer Risk Assessment: Progress and Promise

JMIR Dermatol 2019;2(1):e13376

11339 18 43
Tetrahydrocannabinol and Skin Cancer: Analysis of YouTube Videos

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(1):e26564

6917 1 5
Public Interest in a Potentially Harmful, Non–Evidence-Based “Wellness” Practice: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Perineum Sunning

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(1):e24124

5806 109 2
Skin and Wound Map From 23,453 Nursing Home Resident Records: Relative Prevalence Study

JMIR Dermatol 2018;1(2):e11875

4980 10 3
Consumer Preference of Products for the Prevention and Treatment of Stretch Marks: Systematic Product Search

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e18295

4948 1 4
Hell’s Itch: A Unique Reaction to UV Exposure

JMIR Dermatol 2023;6(1):e48669

4190 5 0
Global Burden of Skin Disease Representation in the Literature: Bibliometric Analysis

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(2):e29282

3751 5 6
Development of an Innovative Real-World Evidence Registry for the Herpes Simplex Virus: Case Study

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e16933

3689 1 3
Skin Lesion Classification With Deep Convolutional Neural Network: Process Development and Validation

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e18438

3460 7 12
Does Wearing a Face Mask During the COVID-19 Pandemic Increase the Incidence of Dermatological Conditions in Health Care Workers? Narrative Literature Review

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(1):e22789

3392 13 10
Assessing Sunscreen Protection Using UV Photography: Descriptive Study

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(1):e24653

3323 2 0
Risks and Benefits of Using Social Media in Dermatology: Cross-sectional Questionnaire Study

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(1):e24737

3159 7 10
Evaluating the Public's Interest in Testicle Tanning: Observational Study

JMIR Dermatol 2022;5(3):e39766

2892 17 1
Evaluating Web-Based Platforms and Traditional Methods for Recruiting Tattoo Artists: Descriptive Survey Research Study

JMIR Dermatol 2019;2(1):e14151

2409 4 3
Understanding Social Media Use and Engagement Among Dermatology Patients to Inform Dermatological Prevention and Care in Vietnam: Cross-sectional Study

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e13424

2291 2 4
Gamification and Game-Based Strategies for Dermatology Education: Narrative Review

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(2):e30325

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Identifying and Responding to Health Misinformation on Reddit Dermatology Forums With Artificially Intelligent Bots Using Natural Language Processing: Design and Evaluation Study

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(2):e20975

2084 44 10
College Students’ Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Sun Safety and Appearance in Relation to Health Information-Seeking Behavior and Social Media Use: Cross-Sectional Study

JMIR Dermatol 2018;1(2):e10984

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Improving Skin Color Diversity in Cancer Detection: Deep Learning Approach

JMIR Dermatol 2022;5(3):e39143

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The Reach of the “Don’t Fry Day” Twitter Campaign: Content Analysis

JMIR Dermatol 2019;2(1):e14137

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LesionMap: A Method and Tool for the Semantic Annotation of Dermatological Lesions for Documentation and Machine Learning

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e18149

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Evaluation of Spin in the Abstracts of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Focused on the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris: Cross-Sectional Analysis

JMIR Dermatol 2020;3(1):e16978

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From the Cochrane Library: Topical Treatments for Cutaneous Warts

JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(2):e33900

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Common Dermatologic Disorders in Down Syndrome: Systematic Review

JMIR Dermatol 2022;5(1):e33391

1827 5 4

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