Published on in Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Jul-Sep

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Evaluating the Public's Interest in Testicle Tanning: Observational Study

Evaluating the Public's Interest in Testicle Tanning: Observational Study

Evaluating the Public's Interest in Testicle Tanning: Observational Study

Short Paper

1Department of Dermatology, St Joseph Mercy Hospital – Livingston, Howell, MI, United States

2Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK, United States

3School of Nursing, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States

Corresponding Author:

Ryan Ottwell, DO

Department of Dermatology

St Joseph Mercy Hospital – Livingston

Graduate Medical Education Office

620 Byron Road West, Entrance Drive

Howell, MI, 48843

United States

Phone: 1 734 712 3376


Background: A new and potentially dangerous health trend, testicle tanning, received extensive media attention following a popular television program where a health and fitness influencer touted that testicular tanning increases testosterone levels. It has been shown that the public has a particular interest in tanning wellness trends; thus, given the vague nomenclature of the practice, the abundance of misleading information and support for using UV light by other health influencers may lead to an increase in men exposing themselves to UV radiation and developing associated complications.

Objective: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the public’s interest in testicle tanning.

Methods: Relative search interest was collected from Google Trends, and daily tweet volume was collected using Twitter via Sprout Social. The search was filtered to observe internet activity between February 1, 2022, and August 18, 2022. Autoregressive integrated moving average models were applied to forecast the predicted values through April 30 to compare to the actual observed values immediately following the airing of the show.

Results: We found that the relative search interest for testicle tanning peaked (100) on April 19, 2022, following a discussion of the topic on a television program. Compared to the forecasted relative search interest of 1.36 (95% CI –3.29 to 6.01), had the topic not been discussed, it showed a 7252% increase in relative search interest. A similar spike was observed in the volume of tweets peaking on April 18 with 42,736. The expected number of tweets from the autoregressive integrated moving average model was 122 (95% CI –154 to 397), representing a 35,053% increase.

Conclusions: Our results show that the promotion of testicle tanning generated significant public interest in an evidence-lacking and potentially dangerous health trend. Dermatologists and other health care professionals should be aware of these new viral health trends to best counsel patients and combat health misinformation.

JMIR Dermatol 2022;5(3):e39766



“Testicle tanning” received extensive media attention following an episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, where a health and fitness influencer touted that testicular tanning increases testosterone levels. While first described as exposing one’s scrotum to red-light therapy to enhance testosterone levels, this vague nomenclature and lack of supporting detail could mislead many into believing that exposure to UV light via sunlight or tanning beds will provide similar benefits. It has been shown that the public has a particular interest in tanning “wellness” trends [Ottwell R, Hartwell M, Beswick T, Rogers T, Ivy H, Goodman M, et al. Public Interest in a Potentially Harmful, Non–Evidence-Based “Wellness” Practice: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Perineum Sunning. JMIR Dermatol 2021 Jan 26;4(1):e24124. [CrossRef]1]; thus, in this observational study, we evaluate the public’s interest in testicle tanning.

Relative search interest (RSI; 0-100) was collected from Google Trends using the term “testicular tanning,” and from Twitter via Sprout Social ( using terms “testicular OR testicle OR ball OR balls OR scrotum” and “tan OR tanning OR sunning” to capture daily tweet volume. The search was filtered to observe internet activity between February 1, 2022, and August 18, 2022. Autoregressive integrated moving average models were applied to forecast the predicted values through April 30 to compare to the actual observed values immediately following the show’s airing [Hyndman R, Khandakar Y. Automatic time series forecasting: the forecast package for R. R-Project. 2008.   URL: [accessed 2022-09-06] 2]. Peak differences were calculated with 95% confidence intervals to estimate spikes in data.

We found that RSI for testicle tanning peaked (100) on April 19, 2022, following a discussion of the topic on the television program (Figure 1). Compared to the forecasted RSI of 1.36 (CI –3.29 to 6.01), had the topic not been discussed, this was a statistically significant difference, representing a 7252% increase in RSI. Continued search interest in testicular tanning was observed through August of 2022. A similar spike was observed in the volume of tweets peaking on April 18 with 42,736 (Figure 2). The expected number of Tweets from the autoregressive integrated moving average model was 122 (CI –154 to 397), a difference of 42,614, representing a 35,053% increase.

Figure 1. Search interest in "testicle tanning" from February 1, 2022, through August 18, 2022. L: lower; U: upper.
View this figure
Figure 2. Daily number of tweets related to "testicle tanning" from February 1, 2022 to May 1, 2022. L: lower; U: upper.
View this figure

Similar to perineum sunning (a viral health trend performed by exposing one’s anogenital area to direct sunlight) [Ottwell R, Hartwell M, Beswick T, Rogers T, Ivy H, Goodman M, et al. Public Interest in a Potentially Harmful, Non–Evidence-Based “Wellness” Practice: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Perineum Sunning. JMIR Dermatol 2021 Jan 26;4(1):e24124. [CrossRef]1], our results show that the promotion of testicle tanning on this television program generated significant public interest in an evidence-lacking and potentially dangerous health trend. The interest in this topic may be partially explained by the immense attention and advertising men’s sexual health and hormone replacement or hormone enhancing therapies receive in the US [Jasuja GK, Bhasin S, Rose AJ. Patterns of testosterone prescription overuse. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2017 Jun;24(3):240-245. [CrossRef] [Medline]3]. Although subsequent media coverage largely disfavored testicle tanning due to lacking evidence and potential dangers, other health influencers came to defend and encourage the practice of testicle tanning, specifically by using UV light [Quann J. Testicle tanning on the rise: The importance of vitamin D. Newstalk.   URL: [accessed 2022-05-08] 4]. Proponents of testicle tanning commonly cite a study from 1939, which found that in a small cohort of males all with “depressive mental states,” UV irradiation to the genitals increased urinary androsterone (a metabolite of testosterone) levels by “nearly 200%” [Myerson A, Neustadt R. Influence of ultraviolet irradiation upon excretion of sex hormones in the male. Endocrinology 1939 Jul;25(1):7-12. [CrossRef]5]. Beyond this questionable study, research has shown that exposure to UV radiation may increase sex steroid hormone levels; however, these studies either do not include human participants or do not specifically evaluate UV radiation exposure to the genitals [Ask an expert: Will tanning my balls increase testosterone? Healthy Male.   URL: [accessed 2022-08-14] 6-Emamjomeh S. The Effects of Acute Ultraviolet Light Exposure on Post-Resistance Exercise Testosterone Levels in Older Men. Dissertation. California State University. 2018.   URL: [accessed 2022-09-06] 8]. Research shows that excessive exposure to UV radiation may lead to higher rates of genital tumor formation and decreased sperm counts, as spermatogenesis is temperature dependent [Verhoeven RHA, Aben KKH, van Rossum MM, Reedijk AM, Botterweck AA, Veerbeek L, et al. New insights into the aetiology of scrotal cancer, a nationwide case-control study in the Netherlands. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2014 Jan;28(1):65-71. [CrossRef] [Medline]9,Zhou Y, Meng T, Wu L, Duan Y, Li G, Shi C, et al. Association between ambient temperature and semen quality: A longitudinal study of 10 802 men in China. Environ Int 2020 Feb;135:105364 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. Thus, given the current obsession with optimizing male hormone levels, the high cost of red-light therapy, and misleading information and labeling of testicle tanning by prominent influencers, there may be an increase in men exposing themselves to UV radiation and developing associated complications. Limitations of our study include the retrospective cross-sectional design and the inability to determine the public’s intent, which necessitates future research.

Our study highlights how a non–scientifically based and potentially dangerous tanning practice can generate significant public interest. Similar to our findings, in a previous study published by JMIR Dermatology, it was found that public interest in perineum sunning continued after the initial social media post went viral (and continues to trend in social and news media stories nearly 3 years later); therefore, dermatologists and other health care professionals should be aware of these new viral health trends to best counsel patients and combat health misinformation.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

  1. Ottwell R, Hartwell M, Beswick T, Rogers T, Ivy H, Goodman M, et al. Public Interest in a Potentially Harmful, Non–Evidence-Based “Wellness” Practice: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Perineum Sunning. JMIR Dermatol 2021 Jan 26;4(1):e24124. [CrossRef]
  2. Hyndman R, Khandakar Y. Automatic time series forecasting: the forecast package for R. R-Project. 2008.   URL: [accessed 2022-09-06]
  3. Jasuja GK, Bhasin S, Rose AJ. Patterns of testosterone prescription overuse. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2017 Jun;24(3):240-245. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  4. Quann J. Testicle tanning on the rise: The importance of vitamin D. Newstalk.   URL: [accessed 2022-05-08]
  5. Myerson A, Neustadt R. Influence of ultraviolet irradiation upon excretion of sex hormones in the male. Endocrinology 1939 Jul;25(1):7-12. [CrossRef]
  6. Ask an expert: Will tanning my balls increase testosterone? Healthy Male.   URL: [accessed 2022-08-14]
  7. Parikh R, Sorek E, Parikh S, Michael K, Bikovski L, Tshori S, et al. Skin exposure to UVB light induces a skin-brain-gonad axis and sexual behavior. Cell Rep 2021 Aug 24;36(8):109579 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]
  8. Emamjomeh S. The Effects of Acute Ultraviolet Light Exposure on Post-Resistance Exercise Testosterone Levels in Older Men. Dissertation. California State University. 2018.   URL: [accessed 2022-09-06]
  9. Verhoeven RHA, Aben KKH, van Rossum MM, Reedijk AM, Botterweck AA, Veerbeek L, et al. New insights into the aetiology of scrotal cancer, a nationwide case-control study in the Netherlands. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2014 Jan;28(1):65-71. [CrossRef] [Medline]
  10. Zhou Y, Meng T, Wu L, Duan Y, Li G, Shi C, et al. Association between ambient temperature and semen quality: A longitudinal study of 10 802 men in China. Environ Int 2020 Feb;135:105364 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]

RSI: relative search interest

Edited by R Dellavalle; submitted 22.05.22; peer-reviewed by M Kamiński, V Long; comments to author 19.07.22; revised version received 05.08.22; accepted 30.08.22; published 12.09.22


©Ryan Ottwell, Katherine Cox, Taylor Dobson, Muneeb Shah, Micah Hartwell. Originally published in JMIR Dermatology (, 12.09.2022.

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