Published on in Vol 7 (2024)

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Assessing the Utility of Multimodal Large Language Models (GPT-4 Vision and Large Language and Vision Assistant) in Identifying Melanoma Across Different Skin Tones

Assessing the Utility of Multimodal Large Language Models (GPT-4 Vision and Large Language and Vision Assistant) in Identifying Melanoma Across Different Skin Tones

Assessing the Utility of Multimodal Large Language Models (GPT-4 Vision and Large Language and Vision Assistant) in Identifying Melanoma Across Different Skin Tones

Research Letter

1Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, ON, Canada

2AIPLabs, Budapest, Hungary

3Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

4Department of Dermatology, Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

5Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Corresponding Author:

Katrina Cirone, HBSc

Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry

Western University

1151 Richmond Street

London, ON, N6A 5C1


Phone: 1 6475324596


The large language models GPT-4 Vision and Large Language and Vision Assistant are capable of understanding and accurately differentiating between benign lesions and melanoma, indicating potential incorporation into dermatologic care, medical research, and education.

JMIR Dermatol 2024;7:e55508



Large language models (LLMs), artificial intelligence (AI) tools trained on large quantities of human-generated text, are adept at processing and synthesizing text and mimicking human capabilities, making the distinction between them nearly imperceptible [1]. The versatility of LLMs in addressing various requests, coupled with their capabilities in handling complex concepts and engaging in real-time user interactions, indicates their potential integration into health care and dermatology [1,2]. Within dermatology, studies have found LLMs can retrieve, analyze, and summarize information to facilitate decision-making [3].

Multimodal LLMs with visual understanding, such as GPT-4 Vision (GPT-4V) [4] and Large Language and Vision Assistant (LLaVA) [5], can also analyze images, videos, and speech, a significant evolution. They can solve novel, intricate tasks that language-only systems cannot, due to their unique capabilities combining language and vision with inherent intelligence and reasoning [4,5]. This study assesses the ability of publicly available multimodal LLMs to accurately recognize and differentiate between melanoma and benign melanocytic nevi across all skin tones.

Our data set comprised macroscopic images (900 × 1100 pixels; 96-dpi resolution) of melanomas (malignant) and melanocytic nevi (benign) obtained from the publicly available and validated MClass-D data set [6], Dermnet NZ [7], and dermatology textbooks [8]. Each LLM was provided with 20 unique text-based prompts that were each tested on 3 images (n=60 unique image-prompt combinations) consisting of questions about “moles” (the term used for benign and malignant lesions), instructions, and image-based prompts where the image was annotated to alter the focus. Our prompts represented potential users, such as general physicians, providers in remote areas, or educational users and residents. The chat content was deleted before each submitted prompt to prevent repeat images influencing responses, and testing was performed over a 1-hour timespan, which is insufficient for learning to take place. Prompts were designed to either involve conditioning of ABCDE (asymmetry, border irregularity, color variation, diameter >6 mm, evolution) melanoma features or to assess effects of background skin color on predictions. Conditioning involved asking the LLM to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions where one feature (eg, symmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter) remained constant in both images to determine whether the fixed element was involved in overall reasoning. To assess the impact of color on melanoma recognition, color distributions of nevi and melanoma were manipulated by decolorizing images or altering their colors.

Analysis revealed GPT-4V outperformed LLaVA in all examined areas, with overall accuracy of 85% compared to 45% for LLaVA, and consistently provided thorough descriptions of relevant ABCDE features of melanoma (Table 1 and Multimedia Appendix 1). While both LLMs were able to identify melanoma in lighter skin tones and recognize that dermatologists should be consulted for diagnostic confirmation, LLaVA was unable to confidently recognize melanoma in skin of color nor comment on suspicious features, such as ulceration and bleeding.

Table 1. Performance of Large Language and Vision Assistant (LLaVA) and GPT-4 Vision (GPT-4V) for melanoma recognition.
Melanoma detectionMelanoma identified—referenced shape and colorMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEsa of melanoma
Feature conditioning

AsymmetryMelanoma identified—referenced size and colorMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma

Border irregularityMelanoma identified—referenced size and colorMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma

ColorMelanoma identified—incorrectly commented on color distributionMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma

DiameterMelanoma missed—confused by the darker colorMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma

Color + diameterMelanoma missed—confused by the darker color and morphologyMelanoma identified—referenced morphology, complexity, color, and border

EvolutionMelanoma identified—referenced size and colorMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma
Color bias

Benign—darkened pigmentDarkened lesion classified as melanoma, became confused about other melanoma featuresDarkened lesion classified as melanoma, became confused about other melanoma features

Melanoma—darkened pigmentDarkened lesion classified as melanoma, became confused about the other ABCDEs of melanomaDarkened lesion classified as melanoma, became confused about the other ABCDEs of melanoma

Melanoma—lightened pigmentUnable to recognize malignancy and to identify that the image had been alteredMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma and recognized that the altered image had been lightened
Skin of color

Melanoma detectionDiagnostic uncertainty—unsure of lesion severity and diagnosisMelanoma identified—referenced the other ABCDEs of melanoma
Suspicious featuresDid not identify suspicious featuresIdentified suspicious features and recommended medical evaluation—ulceration, bleeding, and skin distortion
Image manipulation

Visual referringTricked into thinking the annotations indicated sunburned skinCorrectly identified that the annotations were artificially added and could be used to monitor skin lesion evolution or to communicate concerns between providers

RotationTricked into thinking an altered image orientation constituted a novel imageCorrectly indicated it could not differentiate between the 2 images and accurately referenced the ABCDEs of melanoma

aABCDE: asymmetry, border irregularity, color variation, diameter >6 mm, evolution.

Across all prompts analyzing feature conditioning, GPT-4V correctly identified the melanoma, while LLaVA did not, when color, diameter, or both were held constant (Figure 1). This suggests these features influence melanoma detection in LLaVA, with less importance placed on symmetry and border. Both LLMs were susceptible to color bias, as when a pigment was darkened with all other features held constant, the lesion was believed to be malignant. Alternatively, when pigments were lightened, GPT-4V appropriately recognized this alteration, while LLaVA did not. Finally, image manipulation did not impact GPT-4V’s diagnostic abilities; however, LLaVA was unable to detect these manipulations and was vulnerable to visual referring associated with melanoma manifestations. The red lines added around the nevus’s edges were identified as sunburned skin when presented to LLaVA, while GPT-4V correctly recognized these annotations as useful for monitoring lesion evolution or communicating specific concerns between health care providers.

Figure 1. Melanoma detection when conditioned on color and diameter. GPT-4V: GPT-4 Vision; LLaVA: Large Language and Vision Assistant.

Although limitations are present, GPT-4V can accurately differentiate between benign and melanoma lesions. Performing additional training of these LLMs on specific conditions can improve their overall performance. Despite our findings, it is critical to account for and address limitations such as reproduction of existing biases, hallucinations, and visual prompt injection vulnerabilities and incorporate validation checks before clinical uptake [9]. Recently, the integration of technology within medicine has accelerated, and AI has been used in dermatology to augment the diagnostic process and improve clinical decision-making [10]. There is an urgent global need to address high volumes of skin conditions posing health concerns, and the integration of multimodal LLMs, such as GPT-4V, into health care has the potential to deliver material increases in efficiency and improve education and patient care.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1

The 20 unique text-based prompts provided to GPT-4 Vision and Large Language and Vision Assistant and the responses of both large language models depicted side by side.

DOCX File , 5509 KB

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ABCDE: asymmetry, border irregularity, color variation, diameter >6 mm, evolution
AI: artificial intelligence
GPT-4V: GPT-4 Vision
LLaVA: Large Language and Vision Assistant
LLM: large language model

Edited by R Dellavalle; submitted 19.12.23; peer-reviewed by F Liu, E Ko, G Mattson, A Sodhi; comments to author 30.01.24; revised version received 16.02.24; accepted 01.03.24; published 13.03.24.


©Katrina Cirone, Mohamed Akrout, Latif Abid, Amanda Oakley. Originally published in JMIR Dermatology (, 13.03.2024.

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