Author Information

Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. The submission has not been previously published nor is it before another journal for consideration; or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor.

  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx), or RTF document file format.

  3. The text meets this journal's formatting requirements, in particular, those summarized in the Author Checklist found in Instructions for Authors. The text employs italics, rather than underlining or bold as emphasis; with figures and tables (portrait only, no landscape format) placed within the text, rather than at the end. Additional information has been put in separate files to be uploaded as Multimedia Appendix.

  4. I have reviewed the fee schedule and the Fees FAQ and agree to pay the Article Processing Fee on acceptance, if applicable. I also understand that if I wish to fast-track the paper, I will pay the Fast-Track-Fee immediately after submission (a payment link will be provided after submission) or at a later stage. The FTF guarantees an editorial decision within 20 working days (see FAQ for further instructions)

  5. I understand that all author names and their affiliations for the final publication will be taken from the database (metadata form), not the submitted manuscript, thus all author names must be entered in the metadata form during submission. Authors may remove author names from the manuscript if they prefer blind review.

  6. P-values are reported in accordance with our instructions for authors.

  7. Authors agree that the manuscript and peer-review reports may be transferred to a JMIR sister/partner journal (e.g. i-JMRJMIR Res Protoc, and others), if the paper is not found suitable for publication in JMIR, but is publishable in another journal. The submission fee for that partner journal (if any) will be waived, and transfer of the peer-review reports may mean that the paper does not have to be re-reviewed. Authors will receive a notification when the manuscript is transferred, and at that time can decide if they want to pursue publication in a sister/partner journal. If authors do NOT wish an automatic transfer to an alternative journal after rejection for JMIR, this should be noted in the cover letter.